AP Chemistry
Lab Reports
Chemistry Review
Digital Citizenship Assignment
Watch the following video on Digital Citizenship, then complete the assignments below.
Humane or a Brain Drain?
Indicates required field
1) Your Name: (Last, First)
Last, First
2) Which class are you in?
2nd per. Chemistry
3rd per. Chemistry
4th per. Chemistry
5th per. Chemistry
6th per. Chemistry
Directions: Part 1
For each app described, give examples of humane design features. Then answer the questions.
Sam downloaded a meditation app to help him mentally prepare for soccer games. The app allows Sam to choose whether he would like alerts and how many he wants each day. The alerts suggest tips for relaxing and focusing based on Sam's goals. They suggest things he can do on his own, like taking five deep breaths to relax or doing stretches to relieve stress.
Would this app add value or meaning to Sam's life? Why, or why not?
Lisa uses a messaging app to chat with her friends. When Lisa is doing homework, she uses the Do Not Disturb setting on the app. It blocks alerts during times Lisa sets. Her friends receive a message letting them know she is not available until her chosen end time. The app also keeps track of how many minutes Lisa is using it. She can check the app at the end of each day to see her total screen time. She can also set goals to help her use the app more or less. Lisa can win badges for meeting those time limit goals.
Would this app add value or meaning to Lisa's life? Why, or why not?
Directions: Part 2
Choose a device, app, or website that you spend a lot of time using. Think about the different features it has and whether they are humanely designed or addictively designed. Then add them to the T-chart below. Review the examples in Part 1 to help you decide which features should go where.
Humane Design
Addictive Design
Write three guidelines to help you keep track of your behavior as you use different apps with addictive design.
1. [Social Media]
2. [Gaming]
3. [Videos, YouTube]
Write a brief summary about what you learned below.
Your School Email
Now take the Digital Citizenship Quiz!